Thursday, 11 March 2010

Photographs For Cover, Double Page Spread and Contents Page

These are my original images and final images for my music magazine. Underneath i will show the original image then how i edited it to get my final image.


This is the edited version. I used photoshop cs3. I used the clone tool to remove the plug on the wall on the left hand corner. I also used this tool to sort out the levels (colours) and to crop the photograph.
This image will be used on the contents page.


Edit: On this picture i changed the hue/ saturation of the colour of the eyes. This made the eyes bluer and more sharpened and defined. I think brightended the picture by using the highlight and shadowing tool. This picture will be used on my double page spread.

Edit 2: Here I changed the colour to sepia and changed the highlights and shadowing to make the picture have more neutral qualities so I will be able to use a wider rang of texts when creating my front cover.
This image will be used on my front cover of my magazine.


Edit: On this picture i changed the colour temperature, added shadows and highlights and added the black and white effect. This picture will be used on my double page spread.


Edit: On this picture i changed the lighting by using the auto-fill tool on photoshop. I also used the sharpen tool to make my make my image more defined and to stand out more. This picture will be used on my double page spread.


Edit: on this image i used photoshop cs3 again. I used the clone tool to remove the plug on the wall again and cropped the photo so it was closer. I adjusted the colour levels and added shadows and highlights so the image was brighter and defined.


Edit: On this picture i simply changed the lighting by adding highlights once again and the shadowing. This picture will be used on my double page spread.

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