Wednesday 16 February 2011

Trailer: Imovie

For our group trailer, we chose to use 'IMOVIE' a programme on Mac software. Imovie programme allowed us to cut our clips, add background music, add special effects, sound effects and different transaction effects to each scene. The programme was very suitable for making our trailer.
Example of imovie:

Firstly for our trailer, i added in the clips we were going to use and cut them to desired timings to fit with the trailer. Here is an example of how i trimmed the clips to fit in my trailer:

We then added still images into our trailer, for example the graphics such as the name of the film, when it was out and what production company was etc:

We then added music (digetic and non-digetic) to our trailer where we wanted it to match with the clips, we also added sound effects such as the 'door slamming' to add to moving images as it helped enhance the actions and create suspense/tension for the audience which fitted well with creating our horror genre for our film

After adding the audio to the moving images, we were then able to edit the settings of the music and sound effects. We were able to fade in and out the music to match the scenes and music change, we were also able to add special effects to the audio such as 'muffled' effect. We were also able to control the volume of the music with the background noise, making it so we could hear the music or hear the dialogue at specific times.

We then were able to pick the length of the music by dragging it across underneath the scenes to match the moving images.

We were also able to change the colours in the footage we filmed, we could change the saturation, brightness, sharpness etc.

we were able to include transitions between each slide by choosing from a selection
we mainly used 'cross dissolve' in our trailer

We also added voice overs to the still text on our trailer, we did this by using the record button on IMOVIE where we recorded two people talking. We were also able to change the picth of the dialouge and add different effects to create a more scary effect to fit in with the genre.
Below is an example of how we recorded the voiceovers on IMOVIE

Then, after filming more footage, we found an editing tool where you could change the movement of the camera. We were able to crop/fit the footage to how we wanted it and were also able to change the camera movement to a 'pan' in one of the scenes where the hand grabs the door.
Below is an example of the above

We then changed the begginig of the trailer where the pictures of the girls were placed. We decidede to film the girls individually for 1.3seconds.

We also decided to change the font on the trailer after feedback.

We also included in an extra scene into the trailer and more graphics. The graphics are what you find in a normal film trailer, where a review from, for example the newspaper comes in.

One of our scenes was filmed on a portrait angle, and when uploading it onto imovie, we had a problem as there was a black border around the moving image. To resolve this we used the 'cropping and rotation' tool when we were able to cut and crop the moving image so it had no black border.

We also changed the music at the beginning scene to an acoustic version of 'Teenage Dream' by Katy Perry, as we felt it fitted better within the trailer.

We also re-filmed the scene of the girls in the bedroom as before the camera angle cut off one of the characters heads, therefore making it look unprofessional and lazy.

We then changed the colouring of the name of the film 'Oblivious' as we felt it suited better in a different colour to the rest of the text.

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